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Can Video Games Really Help You Become A Safer Driver?

Can Video Games Really Help You Become A Safer Driver?

Several research based on different people’s opinions have been made to ascertain whether video games can help you become a safer driver. Based on the research, some people are positive that playing video games helped them become safer drivers, while some strongly disagreed.

Some practical research has also been conducted to determine if playing video games can help a person become a safer driver. Professional gamers and non-gamers were put to test and the gamers performed better than the other party And several tries. The result clearly proved that gamers drive better than non-gamers but it is not enough to come to the decision that video games can help you become a safer driver.

The gaming world has advanced in so many ways, especially when it comes to creating realistic video games. A realistic driving game can help you become more alert while driving, and even help you reduce some of the fears you may feel while driving on a highway. Notwithstanding, playing a video game can hardly be compared with real life driving.

Real Life Driving Advantages for Gamers

Driving in video games is not the same as driving in real life but it has certain influences on it. Read on to learn about some of the advantages gamers have when it comes to real life driving.

  • Little or no driving fear

Fear is a constant experience for most first drivers. Based on how real the current video games are, a gamer may likely experience fear and tensions when playing driving video games for the first time. After playing the video game for a while the gamer conquers the fear and tension and gets used to the adrenal rush. Several studies have shown that gamers perform better in their first driving test than non- gamers and this may likely be as a result of their video game experience.

  • Alertness

Driving games require full attention and quick reflex abilities as obstacles can pop out at any time during the course of the game. With this in mind gamers are bound to have better reflexes when driving. The increasing rate of accidents on the road shows that some drivers get easily distracted and also lack reflex abilities. The number of personal injury cases keep increasing each year and this is due to the high rate of negligence by drivers. Unfortunately, not all insurance companies or default parties are willing to offer the right compensations to the injured parties hence, the need for exclusive MVA leads to help with the personal injury cases. Alertness and quick reflex are two necessary qualities for all drivers. Implementing these two factors at all times while driving can help prevent road accidents.

  • Better understanding of what driving entails

Several gamers have claimed that their driving test was not so difficult due to their Prior experience with video games. If you have played any of the current driving games you can attest to the fact that the visuals are quite realistic. Gamers may not know how to control a real car but they understand how driving works.

Can Video Games Really Help You Become A Safer Driver?

This is one of the most constantly asked questions online and the answer is YES and NO. Are you confused? Don’t be! Based on the advantages mentioned, you can see that video games have certain influences on the actual driving. It is safe to say that video games can help you enhance your driving skills and this can make you a safer driver in certain areas.

On the other hand, driving a car based on your video game experience is a bit risky. Driving games usually have little or no rules. A gamer can easily get carried away while driving and apply the same recklessness driving in real life which can lead to fatal accidents.

Secondly, controlling a car in a video game is not the same as controlling one in real life. For example you can not have the real experience of using the throttle, matching brakes and accelerators or even changing gears in video games. You need more than a video game experience to use all the mentioned controls adequately.

In conclusion, video games can help enhance your driving skills but you need more advanced learning in real life to help you become a safer driver.